Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Thoughts for Thursday.....

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.”
~Anthony Brandt

My thoughts for Thursday…
I’ve been thinking a lot about family lately. When I was younger, playing with cousins….a lot of fun times, and mischievous ones too… Sooo many good times with them… (Love yall!!!) Makes me sad that we haven’t kept in touch, but there is always time to change that. Maybe things will change. Been thinking about who we have lost, on my mom’s side of the family…first my granny dorris…which was an enormous one for me personally…I loved her like no body’s business…then we lost my granddaddy dorris…another devastation… they were such good people….then my uncle (mom’s brother) tragically left us. That just really hit too close to home. I feel really sad for my mom she has NO family left of her original family.. :o(

Then we lost both my husbands parents with in 3 months of each other. Very shocking about them, and devastating. I truly thought of them as another set of parents.. they welcomed me into their family with open arms…Guess current situations make you rethink about things and start making you think of people more. I just miss everyone we still have and everyone we have lost. Well that was kinda a dreary post, sorry bout that…Oh well, that’s what these things are for right?????? Have a good Thursday.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Visit with Grandparents...

Had a good visit with Mama Jeanne and Grandaddy today,sooo worried bout him, so sad to see him not feeling well, and poor Mama Jeanne is soo worn out, but despite it all we had a really nice visit today. Managed to get him to smile at us a few times for some pics (probably laughing at the camera man...hehehe carl) We will cherish them forever! 

So Cute!!!!!!!

This little guy just cracks me it is...some kinda lil bird or somethin.....just had to put it on here so i wouldnt loose it..... 
Fear the fuzzy!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Beautiful Grandparents

Here is a beautiful pic of my grandparents, grandaddy isnt doing very well,  It is so incredibly sad that he has to be sick, cause he NEVER sat down for very long... he was always working. He is a wonderful granddaddy....Its hard to see him not out there working somewhere like old times....I love you grandaddy!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lazy Days.......

Did a little work on house this weekend other than that, did nothing, havent felt well this last weekend, so we layed low and watched movies...It was nice, even though i didnt see half of them.... i was sleepy...  :o)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sunday's Activities

Sunday started slow, for me at least, Carl is always up with the chickens, literally...i finally got up and decided to document our day... went up to the front of the driveway to water my new Knockout Rose bush...Cant wait till it takes i decided to take a pic of the pretty view looking down the driveway.

Our Front Entrance

Pics of our new door not done with putting up siding yet, but is coming along... 

Here is another shot of the new door and on the right the new windows we
put in, just have to finish doing the siding, then "my favorite" painting...eek

Watching Carl "hack" the Hackberry trees they will be gone this summer, yipee!!!!

Here is ANOTHER tree that fell, but the good thing is it is oak, so BBQ here we come!!!!

A shot of the trees we have planted, the tiny one is from my grandparents pecan tree. :o)

A closer shot of that wonderful pecan tree....

Here is another tree we got from Mama Jeanne/Grandaddy's Pecan Trees, hoping they thrive so my kids or grandkids can enjoy them as much as we all have through out the years.... bring on the pecans...yea i know, it will be a while...  :o(
"Ohh she's got the camera i gotta pose!"
Here is another shot of the big pecan, and of course, Eagle saw me taking pics as you can see in the next pic he is a ham...

Here is his "pose"  and the tree....
And final picture, we found these two babies sunday morning, this mama was determined to hatch some eggs, after a while we finally let her and here she is breaking up the feed for her little babies, she is so proud.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our first group of 2010 babies!!!!

Here's our first crop of babies for 2010, 8 babies born, all boys except 1 girl, sooo not fair!!  Carl was excited about it though..cause the boys won this time...we always have a little competition on whether there will be more boys born or more girls, well he sure won this time... :o(

The Sign headed down our driveway..

Daisy and her Baby

Another pic of my Daisy and her baby.

"Bubba" wanting to go for a ride on golf cart.

We had to close the tailgate of the golfcart, he SERIOUSLY
wanted to go for a ride..  :o)

The Escapee....he has found a way to get out to get the same grass
on the other side of the fence, but he goes right back in when he wants
his mama...or when we try to catch him to put him little guy.

Hoping for a little rain

Carl and I put fertilizer on the pasture and the front yard this evening. The weather man says there is a "chance" for rain, so i sure am hoping it comes true...