Sunday, October 31, 2010

More Longhorn Pics....

Well here is a pic of the new girls, with their halters on they are currently being halter trained, that way when they get older they will be easy to handle, dont have any names picked for their registered names yet or names for them also.... have no clue what to name them.....any ideas......?

Below is the little bull calf Duke we bottle you can see he was looking for more feed and got stuck in the bucket.....but it didnt scare him....he just stood what do i do now???? Laughed so hard seeing him just stand there.. 

Here is a more current picture of DD. Her horns have really grown ALOT!!!!

Here is a current pic of Phantom....she is filling out nice also....

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!

Well i decided to post on this blog again. I miss just being able to write anything down somewhere....Lots of Changes at our house, slowly getting the remodeling done...yipee!!!....and i mean S L O W L Y!!!! :o) We no longer have our goats. After my daisy passed away, i decided to get rid of them all. And it has been sooo much easier not to worry about them all the time. My bottle baby calf, Duke is doing well, and growing...he is so sweet!! Since we no longer have the goats, well i just cant have an empty we bought us two registered longhorn heifers..... they are soo gentle, will eat out of your hand. Their names are DD and Phantom. The man we bought them from in Centerville had named them already. We have had them about 3 months now i guess, their horns have grown alot, and they are adjusting well. :o)

This is Phantom, I think she is soo pretty.....she is more tame than the other one, the other one has a little more spunk in her...

This is DD, or Double dip is her registered name, she is my favorite out of the two, of course i would choose the spunky one...  ;o)

Well thats that for now, just thought i would write on here a bit. Let people know i am still out here...            
I am getting two more heifers this week, a solid red one and a black one.  Ill post some pics when we get them here.  Bye yall!!!!!!!